

發(fā)布人:于振洋??發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-11-10?? 瀏覽次數:5713

樸松昊  洪炳镕  蔡則蘇

智能體機器人研究中心現有教師4人,其中教授、博士生導師2人,副教授2人。該中心主要研究方向包括:多機器人合作與競爭技術(shù)、智能機器人自主導航技術(shù)、仿人機器人復雜運動(dòng)規則技術(shù)、教育與娛樂(lè )機器人應用系統等。近年來(lái),已完成科研項目20余項,其中包括國家自然科學(xué)基金項目、省部委基金項目和省部委科技攻關(guān)項目等,獲得國家科技進(jìn)步獎1項、省部級科技進(jìn)步獎10余項;在國內外學(xué)術(shù)刊物和會(huì )議上發(fā)表論文360余篇,其中,被SCI/EI檢索200余篇。



研究中心始終堅持高水平研究與技術(shù)推廣普及相結合的工作方法,取得了科學(xué)研究與社會(huì )效益的雙豐收。于1997年成立我國第一支機器人足球科研團隊。于2012年推出“機器人總動(dòng)員”的春晚節目,完成了單次科普數億人的壯舉。習近平總書(shū)記等多位國家領(lǐng)導人觀(guān)看了機器人表演。研究中心在讀博士研究生冷曉琨、常琳、李洪祥等創(chuàng )辦了多家業(yè)界知名的機器人公司。研究中心參與研發(fā)的機械臂中控軟件助力我國航天事業(yè)。


Multi-agent Robot Research Center

Multi-agent Robot Research Center now has 4 teachers, including 2 doctoral supervisors, 2 professors and 2 associate professors. The main research interests of the center include: Multi robot cooperation and competition technology, intelligent robot navigation technology, humanoid robot motion rules technology, education and entertainment robot application system and so on. In recent years, the research center has completed more than 20 research projects, including the National High-tech R&D Program of China, programs supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), provincial and ministerial fund projects and provincial and ministerial science and technology projects. The center has won 1 National Science and Technology Progress Award , more than 10 prizes of Provincial and Ministerial Science and Technology Progress Award, and published about 360 papers in/at domestic and international academic journals and conferences, more than 200 articles were indexed by SCI/EI.