




哈工大計算機專(zhuān)業(yè)創(chuàng )辦于1956年,是中國最早的計算機專(zhuān)業(yè)之一,已有60余年的辦學(xué)積淀,形成了鮮明學(xué)科特色,培養了一大批計算機領(lǐng)域的杰出人才,取得了一系列服務(wù)于國家安全、國防航天、服務(wù)于國民經(jīng)濟主戰場(chǎng)的重大科研成果,打造了一大批國之重器,形成了顯著(zhù)的國內外學(xué)術(shù)影響力。

百年校慶之際,站在歷史的新起點(diǎn)上,哈工大組建了計算學(xué)部,下設計算機科學(xué)與技術(shù)學(xué)院、國家示范性軟件學(xué)院、網(wǎng)絡(luò )空間安全學(xué)院、人工智能學(xué)院,并統籌威海和深圳校區計算機科學(xué)與技術(shù)學(xué)院,旨在打造國內領(lǐng)先、世界一流的計算學(xué)科群,并為其他相關(guān)學(xué)科在智能時(shí)代的發(fā)展提供助力。

作為學(xué)部主任,我為能夠服務(wù)于這樣一支追求卓越的師生團隊開(kāi)展在計算領(lǐng)域的探索與創(chuàng )新而感到無(wú)比榮幸。機遇眷顧著(zhù)勇往直前的人,而我們正身處這個(gè)充滿(mǎn)挑戰與機遇的時(shí)代。哈工大計算學(xué)部全體師生將秉承“辦一流學(xué)科、出一流成果、建一流基地、育一流人才”的辦學(xué)理念,以興院、強部、榮校、報國為使命,抓住機遇,攜手奮進(jìn),續寫(xiě)傳奇。


Message from the Director of Faculty

HIT's Computer Science major was established in 1956 and is one of the earliest computer science majors in China. With over 60 years of educational heritage, it has developed distinctive academic features and cultivated a multitude of outstanding talents in the field of computer science. It has achieved a series of significant scientific research outcomes that meet the major needs of the nation, creating a substantial impact on national security, defense, and aerospace, and the main battlefield of the national economy, and has established a prominent academic influence both domestically and internationally.

During the centennial celebration of HIT, standing at a new historical vantage point, HIT has established the Faculty of Computing, which includes the School of Computer Science and Technology, the National Pilot School of Software, the School of Cyberspace Science, and the School of Artificial Intelligence. It also coordinates the School of Computer Science and Technology in Weihai and Shenzhen campuses, aiming to build a leading domestic and world-class computing discipline cluster, and to provide momentum for the development of other related disciplines in the era of intelligence.

As the head of the faculty, I am immensely honored to serve such a team of faculties and students who are committed to excellence in exploration and innovation within the field of computing. Opportunities favor the bold, and we find ourselves in an era brimming with challenges and opportunities. All the faculties and students will uphold the educational philosophy of establishing top-tier disciplines, producing top-tier research, building top-tier platforms, and cultivating top-tier talents, embracing the mission to invigorate our school, strengthen our department, bring honor to our university, and serve our country. We will seize opportunities, move forward together, and continue to forge new legends.

Let us embark on this new journey and pen a fresh chapter for HIT's Computer Science!


